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Year in Review | Thanks for 2019 and here’s to 2020 from Rose’s Wardrobe!


Rose’s Wardrobe blog is full of everything you need to know about vintage inspired fashion, sustainabilty and self expression.

Year in Review | Thanks for 2019 and here’s to 2020 from Rose’s Wardrobe!

Grace Scott

Here’s Rose’s Wardrobes year in review. We’re so thankful for all the wonderful faces and places we’ve worked with over the past 12 months, and to all our supporters. We couldn’t have done it without you!


The Rose’s Wardrobe team had a lot planned for the year. In just February we were planning and launching t shirts, organising a mini photo shoot to channel Granny Rose, and a lot of sewing went into developing a new skirt. 

February Moodboard.JPG

 From moodboards to development, our t shirts have come a long way. We featured 9 different designs, embroidered and printed, for all vintage lovers. You can shop them here



Since then, we’ve developed our product range to include Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter variations with a variety of fabrics used from Langholm’s mills. We have a few new product ideas in the pipeline for next year and can’t wait to see how our range expands in 2020.


In March 2019, the Rose’s Wardrobe team were featured in our local paper. Our forward thinking business  wants to put Langholm’s history in it’s future. It’s not just our grannies who inspire us to continue and act as our muses, but the factories of Langholm that once brought it to life. We want to revitalize the textile industry and you can read more about our future plans for that here

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2019 has definitely ended on a press high. We knew that Rose’s Wardrobe was going to be featured in Dumfries & Galloway magazine January edition, but little did we know we’d be on the cover! Our lovely model Iona is wearing our “Edna” blouse with the “Rosie” skirt in Winter Check and scarf from Jeffrey & Scott. Photography by Phil Rigby. 

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We’re so proud of our product’s development and our press features but it’s the people that we couldn’t do it without.

In September, we had a wonderful Autumn photoshoot at Kynoch 1788 and Langholm Buccleuh Park. Simone Wrightson beautifully modelled our clothes, with hair and make up by Bridget Foster, and photography by Katie Jay and Tommy Martin. 

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2019 has seen some great fairs that have been a pleasure to be a part of, and we’re looking forward to more in 2020. In particular, the Festival of Vintage 10 year anniversary in April 2020 at York Racecourse!


Rose’s Wardrobe’s range will extend to include trousers and new blouse and dress shapes, perfect for expanding all vintage lovers wardrobes.

We’ve been supported by colleagues, customers, and other small businesses alike throughout our journey. We can’t wait to see what else 2020 brings and can’t wait to bring more of the past to the present with our vintage clothes. 


Rose’s Wardrobe was founded by Emma and Leanne after both having over 12 years of experience between them working in high street, vintage inspired, and fashion supplier backgrounds. The inspiration from Rose’s Wardrobe derived from Emma and Leanne’s muses - their grandmas and great grandma - Patricia, Edna, and Rose. The aim is to produce replicas of the beautiful clothes their grandmas wore, using colours, styles and prints from the 1940’s through to the 1960’s. You can connect with Rose’s Wardrobe on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Have a look at where Rose’s Wardrobe will be here. Read our sustainability statement. Or, shop the collection.