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QUIZ! Which Season Are You?


Rose’s Wardrobe blog is full of everything you need to know about vintage inspired fashion, sustainabilty and self expression.

QUIZ! Which Season Are You?

Anna Watson

As we step into Autumn, take our fun quiz to find out which season describes you best!



Answer each question, noting down your chosen number for each. The number you chose most frequently corresponds to a season. Are you more spring, summer, autumn or winter?

What is your favourite seasonal drink?


a: iced tea

b: a milkshake

c: a pumpkin spice latte

d: hot chocolate


What is your favourite sweet treat?


a: a hot cross bun

b: ice cream

c: pecan pie

d: a gingerbread man


What is your favourite classic film?


a: the Sound of Music

b: Roman Holiday

c: Psycho

d: White Christmas


What is your favourite animal?


a: rabbit

b: bumble bee

c: hedgehog

d: robin


What is your favourite pastime?

a: gardening

b: swimming

c: pumpkin carving

d: baking


What is your favourite item of clothing?

a: a light blouse

b: a floaty dress

c: a tailored waistocat

d: a wooly hat



a: Spring is the season for you!


As soon as the daffodils are out, you’re in your element. Wipe the easter chocolate off your hands and treat yourself to our ‘Lillias’ blouse. It great for unpredictable April showers and can be layered for year-round wear.


b: you live for summer!


The heat doesn’t bother you and you wouldn’t be caught dead without your sunglasses. Our ‘Josie’ dress looks at home on the beach or at a summer picnic. Choose the rose and leaf print to transition your wardrobe into the coming seasons.


c: Autumn is your favourite season!


You plan your halloween outfits in June and add cinnamon to every dish. The ‘Polly’ waistcoat in Autumn check is the perfect piece to add to your wardrobe - layer with a blouse and burnt orange accessories for a full autumn look!


d: You can’t wait for winter!


You keep the Christmas lights up all year and have a wardrobe full of wooly jumpers. Accessorise with one of our ‘Knitted by Nanna’ headbands, great for keeping your hair in place in the snow!


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Rose’s Wardrobe was founded by Emma and Leanne after both having over 12 years of experience between them working in high street, vintage inspired, and fashion supplier backgrounds. The inspiration from Rose’s Wardrobe derived from Emma and Leanne’s muses - their grandmas and great grandma - Patricia, Edna, and Rose. The aim is to produce replicas of the beautiful clothes their grandmas wore, using colours, styles and prints from the 1940’s through to the 1960’s. You can connect with Rose’s Wardrobe on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Have a look at where Rose’s Wardrobe will be here. Read our sustainability statement. Or, shop the collection