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Sustainability & Future Plans for Rose's Wardrobe


Rose’s Wardrobe blog is full of everything you need to know about vintage inspired fashion, sustainabilty and self expression.

Sustainability & Future Plans for Rose's Wardrobe

Grace Scott

Sustainability and our hometown of Scotland are two of the most important things to Rose’s Wardrobe. Read our plans for Rose’s Wardrobe’s future below and how we’re making sure to keep it local and sustainable every step of the way… 



Sustainability is a value that is at the core of Rose’s Wardrobe. From the very beginning, we’ve used natural and sustainable fabrics; a few that have even been constructed by hand in Scotland. Many of the fabrics that we use are remnants from some of Langholm’s Textile Mills. The Mills have sadly shut down, but rather than let the wonderful fabric go to waste, we make use of it at Rose’s Wardrobe in our vintage inspired garments and accessories, making each piece unique and very limited edition. We hope to one day have our own studio in Langholm and be able to employ local people to rejuvenate the textile industry in the area.


Rose’s Wardrobe is based in Langholm, Scotland. We love the history of the town and enjoy being part of the rich textile heritage and help revitalise the Langholm textile industry. As one of many small and sustainable companies in the UK, we’d like to do our bit to benefit our local community. We really think about what we are producing and how we are producing it - in a modern way with a vintage twist; offering true ethical and sustainable garments from start to finish. The Scottish sustainable materials created by the textile mills can be used to create new, lasting and unique vintage inspired clothing at Rose’s Wardrobe. 



As consumers become more aware of the impact and strains fast fashion puts on the planet and textile workers, ethical clothing companies are increasing. Each year more than 300,000 tons of textiles ends up in landfill in the UK. Global warming caused by greenhouses gases, excessive carbon footprint to ship all around the world and the strain put on garment workers are all negative effects of creating cheap, mass produced fashion. Rose’s Wardrobe is proud to be part of the revolution, making clothes which are made of quality fabrics, made to last. We’re proud to be part of the Scottish small business scene. We’re proud to be planet conscious. And we hope that you’ll see our commitment to becoming more sustainable, blossom over time.


Rose’s Wardrobe was founded by Emma and Leanne after both having over 12 years of experience between them working in high street, vintage inspired, and fashion supplier backgrounds. The inspiration from Rose’s Wardrobe derived from Emma and Leanne’s muses - their grandmas and great grandma - Patricia, Edna, and Rose. The aim is to produce replicas of the beautiful clothes their grandmas wore, using colours, styles and prints from the 1940’s through to the 1960’s. You can connect with Rose’s Wardrobe on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. Have a look at where Rose’s Wardrobe will be here. Read our sustainability statement. Or, shop the collection